Speedriding: The New Frontier | Miles Above: S1E9


Am 09.12.2014 veröffentlicht

Like speedriding? You’ll likely dig this: http://win.gs/1s9GZN6 Time to pack up der trusty Skis und Fallschirme and hitch a ride with Miles and his RBAF compadres to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland and Sulden, Italy; ideal settings for that sphincter-locking, flop sweat-popping fusion of freestyle skiiing + paragliding known as Speed Riding. Then it’s over to Crystal Mountain on the fringes of Mt. Ranier National Park to catch RBAF teammates Andy Farrington and Jon Devore as they prep for a super-secret Speed Riding project in the far backwoods of Alaska. Social Handles: @Amychmelecki @miles_daisher @jondevore @seanmaccormac @mikeswansons @lukeaikins @chexmachine (andy farrington) @jeffprovenzano _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your “stoke factor” to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter